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Nord-lock Toolkit.

En portabel och interaktiv referensguide och digitalt verktygsbälte för allt som rör Nord-Locks bultlösningar.

Nord-Lock Group är världsledande inom säkra bultlösningar med produkter som används i kritiska tillämpningar, som vindturbiner, höghastighetståg och berg-och-dalbanor. Deras kunder inkluderar många av världens mest respekterade företag som litar på Nord-Lock Group, till stor del på grund av deras djupa tekniska kunskap och förstklassiga support.


Knowing the exact torque and preload that is necessary to safely secure a specific bolts in Nord-Lock's extensive product line was a tough task, even for their most knowledgable customers. This caused them a lot of frustration and resulted in a vast amount of time-consuming support issues for the Nord-Lock. 

There are a lot of factors that affect the required torque, such as material, bolt size, grade and lubrication. The solution to this calculation needed to be available in several different languages, as Nord-Lock operate in several different markets. Furthermore, many of Nord-Locks products are used on locations without access to the internet. How could Nord-Lock help make this calculation easily accessible to all of their customers?


The project was carried out in collaboration with Poetry (who provided the UX and design) and Nord-Lock. For this project, we used an MVP approach, which was defined according to a MOSCOW model workshop. We instantly found that our agile way of working, using the SCRUM framework, and moving forwards in two-week sprints suited all parties very well.

The solution we created for this challenge was a Progressive Web Application (PWA) with support for multiple languages fed by their cloud-hosted Content Management System (CMS), Optimizely. Offline support was handled through the browsers’ Service Worker, making the app useful regardless of the user's location. Since the Torquelator is compatible with "Trusted Web Activity" it allowed us to easily make it available on Google Play as a native app. We were also able to easily include it in the Nord-Lock Toolkit making it available in the App Store.


The solution allows Nord-Lock’s customers and sales personnel to use an intuitive app, instead of having to rely on the numerous Excel sheets and complex calculations that were required earlier. This was our very first collaboration with Nord-Lock, which has since proven to be of great importance for how we decided to shape our methodology here at Kruso.