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Senior Frontend Developer


Are you a passionate frontend developer with at least a few years of experience, wanting to take your abilities to the next level? Do you want to work for a company in growth, that believes in growing together as a team, and is ambitious about being the best technology partner for our clients?

Your most important task as a frontend developer in Kruso will be to deliver the best possible web solutions to our clients, striving to raise the bar of our entire frontend development environment in terms of new technologies, standards and best practices. We are looking for someone with a burning passion for frontend development, an interest in design and user experiences, as well as curiosity for optimizations and a belief that you can make a difference. Your work will help the company and the team continuously improve towards excellence services for our customers.

We expect you to contribute with drive and dedication, and we provide a working environment where everyone matters, and where there is room for personal and professional development. Kruso is a company in growth, and we offer the right candidate a great opportunity to influence our direction as a company.

What we expect of you:

  • Frontend development is your professional passion: Frontend is the right end of programming. Obviously. Backend insight is a welcome plus, but frontend is where you want to make a difference.

  • An eye for design: You have an eye for design and can improvise over existing designs or even have a background in design, UX, UI.

  • You write great code: At the end of the day, coding is what we do, and you excel at web-based frontend technologies.

  • You're ambitious: You want to be the best, and you are continuously looking to improve.

  • You're a team player: You like the daily cooperation, knowledge sharing, and the give-and-take of team development.

  • Quality matters: Our primary goal is to build the best possible solutions for our clients, and you acknowledge the importance of the last 10 per cent.

In addition to the above, we would expect you to have:

  • The ability to work from our Aarhus office.

  • If you are not an EU citizen, that you have an EU work permit.

What will you be doing as Frontend Developer?

As a frontend developer, your job is to write great code and to help your team and colleagues deliver great solutions to our clients. You’ll be working with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, using technologies and tools like Webpack, React, Vue, Git and lots more on a .Net based architecture spanning from CMS to Microservice implementations. Also, you're expected to have a keen eye on new technologies and best practices and to spend time implementing these to further heighten the quality of our work.

We strive to have frontend-developers who can also develop and adapt an existing design into new modules. Therefore, a keen eye for design is appreciated.

Apart from developing, everyone at Kruso works closely with our clients to gather, understand and estimate their requirements.

If you have skills for and ambitions towards roles like Lead Developer or Client Lead, we will provide the opportunities to make it happen.

What do we expect of you?

Varför arbeta på Kruso?

Som företag har Kruso en huvudsaklig målsättning: Vi vill vara världens bästa arbetsplats. Vi uppnår detta mål genom gemensamt ansvar och engagemang från alla medarbetare. Vi är "Krusaders"!

Curiosity, Craftmanship, Caring - De tre C:na.

På Kruso tillåter vi oss själva - faktiskt kräver vi det - att vara nyfikna. Vi breddar vår synvinkel genom att utforska nya teknologier och nya arbetssätt. Att leverera kvalitetsarbete och hantverksskicklighet i alla aspekter av våra lösningar är en ära. Och det viktigaste av allt, vi bryr oss om varandra och världen, där vi som individer och som företag spelar vår roll.

Kruso tar stolthet i att erbjuda en dynamisk och öppen arbetsmiljö - en plats för samarbete, kunskapsdelning och kontinuerlig självutveckling och självförverkligande. Vi har en stark professionell kultur där vi fokuserar på att hitta och utveckla de bästa lösningarna för våra kunder. Samtidigt värderar vi en jordnära arbetskultur och att vara en flexibel arbetsplats som rymmer alla personligheter och olika individuella behov. På det här sättet har alla medarbetare friheten att strukturera sina egna arbetstider.

Vi värderar det sociala aspektet och är stolta över vår starka gemenskap över hela företaget. Därför ordnar vi också flera sociala evenemang som filmkvällar, fredagsbarer, innovationsdagar och årliga weekendresor för alla Krusaders.

Kruso är en digital utvecklings- och rådgivningsbyrå grundad 1999. Vi är specialiserade på att utveckla komplexa webbplattformar och digitala rådgivningstjänster och är en av Danmarks mest erfarna leverantörer av digitala lösningar för både offentliga och privata företag. Vi är ett sammansvetsat team av cirka 100 specialister i Köpenhamn, Århus, Malmö, Göteborg, Stockholm, Lviv och Lissabon. Våra tjänster inkluderar digital strategi, användarupplevelsedesign, rådgivning, utveckling och drift/funktion.

How to apply

Please apply for the job by filling out the below form. If you have questions about the job, please contact Niels Brinkø at Interviews are held continuously. The position will be filled when the right candidate is found.  We look forward to hearing from you.  If you want to know how Kruso A / S, as data controller, collects and processes personal information about you in connection with the handling of job applications and recruitment of employees, you can read our "Personal data policy for applicants and recruitment" here;

How to apply

Please apply for the job by filling out the below form:

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